Considering going on a couples massage with your partner? Why not turn it into a proper date night? If you need some ideas for creating the perfect couples massage date, here they are!

1. What Is a Couples Massage?
2. Where Do You Have a Couples Massage?
3. What Kind of Massages Are Offered to Couples?
4. Get the Atmosphere Right
5. Decide What to Do Afterwards
6. Plan Ahead
7. Get a Gift
8. It’s All About You

Beautiful Couple Lying Spa Salon Enjoying Getting Deep Back Massage Relaxation

What Is a Couples Massage?

Let’s start with what a couples massage is, so there’s no confusion. It’s you and your partner having a massage at the same time in the same room. In other words, it’s some proper RnR together.

Couples massages are also available to friends who want a girls day, or why not business partners who need to discuss something and want to relax at the same time?!

Beautiful Couple Lying Spa Salon Enjoying Head Massage Together 1

Where Do You Have a Couples Massage?

Most salons these days offer couples massages. At Nooora we offer couples massages from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you might want to enjoy it—maybe in a cabana by your best friend’s pool. It’s your choice so long as it’s a sanitary place—you tell us the address and we show up.

What Kind of Massages Are Offered to Couples?

In short, any kind of massage. However, if you want to set the mood for a relaxing evening, or day, then a Thai massage, or reflexology might not be the done thing. Simply because while both will relax your body, reflexology can be a tad uncomfortable and Thai massage includes shifting you into different positions. Likewise, a sports massage can be quite intense.

Of course, it’s up to you what kind of massage you feel your body needs. It’s just if you want a very relaxed and romantic mood where you simply lay back and enjoy the massage while chatting to your partner.

Remember that you and your partner can opt for different kinds of massages—you don’t have to choose the same one.

Get the Atmosphere Right

If you have a couples massage with two of Nooora’s massage therapists you have the massages in your own home, as mentioned. As such, you will want to choose a place in the house that you feel is relaxing. Having a massage in the midst of chaos (and let’s face it—we all turn our homes into chaos at times in our lives when we are so busy we don’t have the time to clean every day) might not be all that relaxing. Unless, of course, you’re having a massage to take a break from the chaos. However, if this is a date night, set the scene. Clean up a room, light some candles, or use mood lighting.

As mentioned, you can also have a massage outside by the pool, in a cabana, or somewhere else in the garden, or on your rooftop. Choose a place that has the right vibe for you and deck it out with flowers, candles, or fairy lights.

Get the Atmosphere Right

Decide What to Do Afterwards

After having the massage, what’s next? To create the perfect date, choose something you’ll both enjoy. Does your partner want to know and prepare for what’s coming, or do they want a surprise? Do you both enjoy a gourmet meal, or do you prefer kicking off your shoes, and eating enchiladas on the beach? Would you like to stay at home and keep relaxing with a nice bath and order pizza and binge watch Netflix, or would you prefer to head out?

As a massage relaxes you, an adrenaline fueled date following the massage probably isn’t the best idea. If you want an adventure, like a hike in the desert, do that before the massage so you can relax afterwards.

Decide What to Do Afterwards

Plan Ahead

When thinking about what to do afterwards, decide on the details. If you’re cooking a meal together, or buying a meal, decide what that meal will be. If you’re going to watch a movie, decide on the movie. If you want to play boardgames, plan the games.

You want to have everything ready so that after the massage you can relax properly and simply enjoy yourselves. This, as opposed to realizing you have run out of some crucial ingredient for the meal you’ve planned and need to go shopping..

Get a Gift

A handwritten note. A photo of the two of you. A printed poem. A fresh flower. It can be big, it can be small, but a token of your appreciation for your partner can add a nice touch to the date.

If your partner would never do something like this as it simply wouldn’t occur to them, suggest you swap a meaningful gifts on the night.!

This Is You

It’s All About You

By the end of the day, a date night is about you as a couple. Set the scene for the massage in a way that you will enjoy it—make it atmospheric. Decide what to do before and after the date, choosing something you will both enjoy. Add some gifts to the mix if you find it appropriate. Or perhaps, handwritten notes? Then, sit back and enjoy one of the most relaxing dates you’ll ever experience with a divine couples massage.


  1. Is a couple’s massage a good date?

    Yes, a couple’s massage is a great date idea! It offers relaxation, bonding, and a unique experience, making it a memorable and intimate way to spend quality time with your partner.

  2. What happens during a couple’s massage?

    During a couple’s massage, both partners receive simultaneous massages in the same room, typically performed by two separate therapists. It promotes relaxation, stress relief, and enhances bonding through shared experience.